Iowa Cyber Hub featured in Iowa Economic Development Manufacturing Strategic Plan

The Iowa Cyber Hub was featured in the Manufacturing Strategic Plan from Iowa Economic Development on page 41.

“The Iowa Cyber Hub: A Partnership of ISU and Des Moines Area Community
College (DMACC) to Protect the Nation through Cyber Education & Training

“The Cyber Hub, which started as a pilot project between ISU and DMACC, is dedicated to improving
the cybersecurity posture of Iowa’s citizens and its engines of economic growth and development
for the state and broader region. Aligned with the goals laid out in the State of Iowa’s Cybersecurity
Plan, the Hub works to accomplish its goals through a comprehensive set of literacy, training,
outreach, and educational programs.

“The Iowa Cyber Hub is designed to be the focal point for cybersecurity education, outreach, training,
and foster additional interaction between companies and the partner schools through internships,
training opportunities, and focused projects. The Hub will facilitate government, industry, and
academia working together to increase the cyber workforce.

“DMACC is further pursuing a CAE2Y designation (Center for Academic Excellence 2-Year) for the
National Cyberwatch Center to promote higher education in cyber defense to prepare a growing
number of cybersecurity professionals, and to reduce vulnerabilities in the nation’s networks.”